RB Isol

Terms of Sale

  1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, these conditions shall apply to all quotations and agreements between RB-ISOL and the client. The customer declares to have taken note of them and to accept them in full. Any purchase conditions of the customer do not apply to the agreement.
  2. All quotations are without obligation unless otherwise expressly stated. These quotations are valid for 30 days. An agreement shall come into effect upon written confirmation by RB-ISOL or by commencement of performance of the agreement by RB-ISOL.
  3. Prices in quotations are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated. The customer undertakes to always communicate the correct data regarding, among other things: address of registered office, delivery address, VAT number and the like. Also, any change to this information shall be immediately communicated in writing to RB-ISOL, failing which any costs caused by RB-ISOL shall be borne by the client.
  4. All invoices are payable at the registered office of RB-ISOL. In the event of non-payment on the due date, the legal interest rate with a minimum of 12% per annum and a lump-sum compensation of €125 shall be payable by the customer by operation of law and without notice. Non-payment or late payment of an invoice makes all unpaid invoices immediately due and payable. 02.08.02
  5. The goods remain the property of RB-ISOL until paid for in full. Delivered are delivered ex Factory. Transportation is always at the customer’s risk and expense. Late delivery does not allow the customer to cancel the order or claim damages.
  6. Return of delivered and possibly misprints will be only prior written approval by RB-ISOL. Costs associated with this are always the responsibility of the customer and must be paid in advance.
  7. Complaints must be reported by the customer in writing and in detail within 8 days of the invoice date. After this deadline, they will not be accepted. Similarly, notice of default by the customer for a contractual default of RB-ISOL shall not constitute a suspension of the payment obligation from which they arise for the customer. RB-ISOL shall be authorized by law and without notice to suspend or disconnect its obligations to the client in case of force majeure. In any case, in case of (among others): fire, strike, lockout, computer failures, (unforeseen) failure of suppliers and the errors attributable to RB-ISOL. All events of force majeure, strike, lockout, or (unforeseen) supplier failures. In the case of Article 5.74 BW, it will be released from all its obligations.
  8. Any agreement between RB-ISOL and the Customer shall be governed exclusively by Belgian law to the exclusion of the Convention on the International Sale of Goods. Any dispute between RB-ISOL and the client shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Antwerp, district of Antwerp and the Vredegerecht of Zandhoven.